Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of School

Today was Emma's first day of second grade. I can hardly believe it. She was so excited to go back to school - just like I used to be (don't call me names). I was excited for her to go back too. It was time. I've learned this summer that it's really hard/impossible do something with both girls at the same time. Their age difference is too big. Emma doesn't want to build with blocks with Lila and I. She'll do it to play with her sister, but it's not fun for her. Lila can't paint or do projects with Emma and I. -Or play a game (even Candyland, believe me we tried). Anyway, I'm sad to leave so much of Emma's time up to outside influences and not me, but I'm ready for a little sanity and a schedule.
She looked so cute in her new dress. Here's a picture or two. Now I'd better go get her off of the bus.

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