Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Family Portraits

These are lovely. Let me preface this by saying that I only had to pay $10 for a bunch of these pictures. Now I just have to find people who'd like a copy!
Family Portrait day was a huge success - especially because our very sweet photographer was in training! I won't even post most of the pictures here, because of my vanity. In one pose, our stools were arranged so I was taller than Ryan, further forward in the picture than him, and he had the girls around him, so I had nothing to hide any part of me. It was like Big Momma and her Family. We also had one with all 4 of us lying on our backs looking up at the camera with our heads together - hello, my hair is styled to cover some of my face for a reason! Then there was the all lay on your stomach propped up on your elbows pose. I was wearing a low v-neck shirt and I've nursed 2 children - need I say more?! Ryan's face was red in many of them, he says the odd poses made the blood rush to his head. Emma was her professional self - perfect in every picture. Lila was also herself, and she's not a model for that very reason.
We did pick the least bad one, and I will laugh every time I walk past it framed in my house. What a memory!

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

You HAVE to email me the link to look at the proofs...I need a good laugh.