Monday, September 24, 2007

Awesome Tip To Share!

I've had a couple of cloudy water stains on two of my wood tables. One is a newer stain and I've been trying everything to get it out...mayo, toothpaste, some special furniture stick thing..whatever anyone tells me to try. Today I went online to see if I could find any other tips. I was skeptical because both pieces are antique without a super finish to begin with.
Use a warm iron over a lint free cloth. Totally worked! I started with the iron on low, out of fear of burning my house down, but ended up with the hottest dry setting. The one stain was old and really bad - a yellowy white color. On that one I left the iron sitting for almost a minute. But both stains are gone - completely gone! I just wanted share that tip with you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Before and After shots would have been nice. What piece of furniture was it?