Saturday, September 15, 2007

Favorite Stories

It's funny how Lila gets "stuck" on the same stories at bedtime. She'll ask for the same one or two books every night for a month or more, and then she'll gradually phase into a new one or two favorites. It's been like this for a long time. The other night when she asked for (surprise!) the "dinosaur book" and then the "llama" one, I thought, "I should write this quirkiness down". I think she likes to get to the point where she can actually read the book to me by memorization before she lets it go. So right now, it's How Does A Dinosaur Eat? and Is Your Mama A Llama?. ...Every ...single ...night. Before that, it was Better Not Get Wet Jesse Bear and The Hungry Caterpillar (that was in the height of a bad gypsy moth season here). Of course she also had her Goodnight Moon and Good Dog Carl (that was the week Lu died unfortunately for me, the reader) phases. I'm excited to move on from dinosaur/llama phase, but it will be a little sad. Just another sign that Lila is moving along and growing up. I never thought I'd say this, but already miss Jesse Bear a little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melissa..... you are too funny! :-) I started out laughing at little Lila asking for the same books- but, you missing Jesse bear... now that's pretty funny! :-)