Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Shopping Adventure

It's a cold and rainy week here, so today we decided to go shopping. My mom, the girls and I had a few hours of nonproductive (therefore guilt-free) shopping and stopped for McDonald's on the way home. We were about 15 minutes from home, when Lila started crying quietly in the back seat. If there's one thing Lila doesn't do a lot, it's cry. I kept asking her what was wrong and then she told me - unfortunately not with words!
She started vomitting. At first just a little - we can wipe that right up and get home. Then more, and more. So I'm on the side of a 4 lane road, with tons of truck traffic, and the rain is pouring down. I've got Lila out of the car and stripped down to her newish, very big, very white sneakers and socks, and Elmo panties. Quite a sight to the high volume traffic passing us. Meanwhile, Emma has her head turned and her face shielded so as not to even catch a glimpse of the chaos on her sister's side of the car. Lila's telling her matter-of-factly, "I frowing up, Emma." Emma tells me she feels like throwing up just seeing Lila do it. Really? Not me. I just had to plunge through it with my bare hands to rescue her from her car seat. Just another example of God giving strength to mothers.
I'm thankful that we were close to home, because my 2 year old rode home almost naked in her sister's booster seat with the seatbelt across her little bare chest. I asked her if she had a tummy ache. "No, just choked on my french fries. I'n fine." Thank goodness Grammy was there to assist. When we got home, she did the bath while I did the car.
Never a dull moment. And we didn't even buy back to school shoes!


Anonymous said...

Been there- done that! I feel for you! We had a similar experience with Emma in a very HOT mini van on day 1 of our drive home from Florida. Not only were the boys sheilding their eyes from the sight & carrying on about the smell... so was their daddy! :)) We had a lovely aroma the rest of the trip... she had been eating goldfish!

nilvento said...



That sucks, but at least she's ok now!

Such the drama :)