Friday, September 19, 2008

My Embarrassing Life

So, I was in Shoprite today, with Jessica and Lila, and Lila had a box of tic tacs in her hand. She decided it would great fun to try to "sell" the mints to innocent shoppers.

"I have some mints here!!!
Anyone want a minty?!?!
Get your mints here!!!
Mints for sale - two for a nickel!!!"

She shouted this at the top of her lungs, repeatedly, while I was quietly waiting for the nice deli man to finish slicing my turkey and pretending to look around to see who this loud child's mother was....

Jessica found it quite entertaining. So did some of the shoppers - but not necessarily all of them.

1 comment:

Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

I would have bought some mintys! Especially considering the hugs I've been getting lately!!!!