Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lila's First Ballet Class

Can you even read the title without laughing?!

Today was Lila's first ballet class. We signed her up through a township rec program and the class happens to meet at our church - perfect. I wasn't looking to invest a small fortune in my 3 year old's dancing career at this point, so the eight week class was just what we needed to see if she likes it.
I got her dressed in her pink tights and black leotard. She posed around the house all morning - so graceful. :) Today, I had a meeting at church at 9:30 and her class was at 9:50, so it was going to work out perfectly. About halfway to church, she said, "Mom... I got a BIG hole here." It turned around to find that she had basically removed one of the legs from her tights. It was held on by about an inch or two in the front, but the entire back of her dainty little thigh was hanging out down to the knee. "How did that happen, Lila?!" "Um, I was pulling a little string-y thing...."

I called my friend, told her I'd be late the meeting, then stopped at three stores until I finally found new pink tights. Blame it on my pride, but I just couldn't take her to ballet with only one leg in her tights! We got to ballet about 3 minutes late - then I had to change her.
I left for my meeting, but did go back to watch the end of class. I was a little nervous to see how she behaved. She was hanging on the teacher's every word and mimicking her movements - adorable!
Next week I'll bring my camera and an extra pair of tights!

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

So sad you don't have a photo...what about your cell phone? Geesh...what kind of mom are you! :)