Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3rd Grade?!?!

How did that happen?! I blinked my eyes, and my baby is going to 3rd grade?! Maybe it's harder because she was my only baby- the center of our lives - for over 5 years. She sure is ready! we went to meet her teacher and see her classroom yesterday, so this morning, she wasn't even nervous. We were asked to fill out a paper describing Emma for her teacher. How do I do that in a few lines?! She's helpful, sensitive, compassionate, loving, smart, friendly, hard-working, joyful, and gorgeous - just to name a few. We're so proud to be her parents. I know she'll have a great 3rd grade year, I just can't believe how quickly time goes by.

Here are some pictures of breakfast on the special plate, the backpack shot, and the onlookers.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Beautiful Mom, inside and out = Beautiful Girl, inside and out!!