Friday, September 19, 2008

Back To School Night

Ryan and I went to Emma's Back to School Night tonight.
I love Back to School Night! Having been a child that liked school so much that I became a teacher, it's just so neat to hear about a whole new school year. I love to see the classrooms, look for Emma's work, read the note that she's left for me, hear what she'll be learning this year, explore the stations and resources in the room, watch her teachers talk and see how they interact. I love the piles of books and fresh school supplies in their desks, the fall chill in the air - I could go on and on.
It's also a sort of reunion for us. Ryan and I both grew up right in this immediate area (Ryan even went to Emma's same elementary school), so it's always fun to see familiar faces from the neighborhood, soccer field, church, even our own high school days. We're blessed that Emma is an excellent student and a sweet and kind girl, so we don't need to worry about hearing a negative report (at least not at this point!)

Here's her classroom. Her teacher is in the black shirt.

I also always feel uneasy when I leave Back to School Night. I was explaining to Ryan that it's not enough. I love introducing myself to all of Emma's teachers, but that's all there's time for. The rest will have to wait until conferences in November. "Hello, we're Emma King's parents." "Oh hi, Emma's so sweet." That's it?! That's all there's time for?! This is my BABY we're talking about! Are you taking care of her? Is she happy? Does she stick up for herself and others? Does she ever get in trouble? Does she pay attention? Is she picking the right friends? Is she struggling with anything? How does she compare with the rest of the class? Is she quiet? Well-adjusted? Silly? Are you glad that she's in your room? And who are you, anyway? You have a ton of influence on my little girl. What are your values?
I understand that personal conversations are not possible on this night, but I'm just left feeling like I didn't say enough, explain enough, give a good enough first impression as Emma's Mommy.

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

I just went to Baileigh's Back to School night yesterday and I understand a lot of what you're saying...with the exception of growing up in the area and feeling like it is reunion of sorts. I smiled and said "hello" several times but that was about it! You know what an introvert I am!