Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Family Fun

It was a beautiful day on Sunday, and we went to an Art and Music Festival in town. We started at Becca and Chris's house and walked all around.

Rob was playing guitar with some other guys from church at a local business, so we stopped there and sampled the BBQ while we listened.
The girls got free balloons from some stand, but poor Lila had some trouble with hers. It kept sinking and sinking until she eventually dragged it down Main Street and occasionally kicked it to hurry it along. She still thought it was fun, though.

We went back to Bec and Chris's for drinks and snacks before we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. This is the girls' favorite place to go as you can tell by their giant (orange) smiles.And of course, to end the night, Uncle Chris took them for a wild shopping-cart-car-ride down the sidewalk.


once upon a lifetime said...

Is that restaurant "Davids fortune cookie"??
We used to love that place... but haven't been in years.

nilvento said...


It's Jasmine....

I am so sad I forgot about the festival...Joe was away at the Seneca Lacrosse game (EMSing) and I just plain forgot about it.