Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Princess Party

Lila had her long-awaited Birthday Party today. Since she's a few days shy of 4 years and 1 month, I think I'm totally within my time limit for planning a December Bday party.
It was a Princess theme - of course. She invited 4 little girls from various church/school activities and they had all sorts of girly fun! It was great to watch Lila be the Belle of the Ball, since she is so often just following Emma and her friends. I even loved the touch of bossiness, "OK, guys, everybody! Line up over here behind ME!" They colored Princess puzzles; made foam crowns; ate chicken nuggets, french fries, and fruit; played Pin the Crown on the Princess, and Princess Bingo; sang and enjoyed the Snow White cake (thank you very much - she was lovely!). Lila was an excellent hostess and truly loved her 4th Birthday Party.

Ellie, Lila, and Bri - working on their crowns

"Happy Birthday (almost a month late) to Lila..."

The girls salivating over the cake
(that's Ellie's little sister - bottom left, and Abby in white - she didn't want her picture taken)

Grace and Lila
Bri and Lila

The after-party: gotta love a barbie dressed in buttercream!


Organized Chaos said...

Looks like fun...glad she was excited about the girls she invited!

I'm sure Ryan was bummed he missed out...ahem.

jess e. said...

my silly girl.......we got home and she said, 'oh mom i forgot to hold lilas hand and take a picture'???? she doesn't know what she wants! ;-) thanks again, she had a blast!