Sunday, January 11, 2009

Adventure Aquarium

Ryan left for Seattle Friday morning for a week, so the girls and I were looking for a little fun this weekend to perk us up. I happened to see that it was NBC10 day at the aquarium! We went to the Garden State Aquarium last summer for the first time and it was Lila's favorite thing ever!! It's just so expensive... but on channel 10 day, it's just $10 admission! Yahoo!

Touching in the Touch Tank - notice how wet Lila's shirt is.

NBC10 celebrities: Glen "Hurricane" Schwartz and Vai Sikahema to name a few-
I didn't want to actually wait in line to take their pictures! Emma got a few autographed pictures and thought it was pretty neat.
Lila's life aspiration is to be a diver in the shark tank - not kidding. That's what she always says she want to be when she grows up. This is a dreamy look in her eye!

At one point in the day, she was a little afraid of the sharks and thought she might like to scratch that idea and be a mermaid when she grows up instead.

"But you're a girl, how will you turn into a mermaid?"
"Um, I think I'll just maybe wear some Ariel stuff - that would work."

After this moment it was ALL about the diver in shark tank again!

Cool mannequin diver

Brrr.... chilly penguins!

Silly fish faces
We had a really fun day together, but still miss Daddy. It makes it worse to think that he got to spend the weekend with my nephews, Logan and Michael in WA! We miss you!

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