Monday, January 19, 2009

Long Weekend

Ryan finally got home from his week-long trip and we all had a nice long weekend together. It was COLD here, so we stayed inside and played lots of board games and Wii and watched many episodes of Little House on the Prairie. Very fun.
We ventured out to a friend's roller skating party, and had a great time there. We also went to Barnes and Noble so Emma could spend a gift card she had from her Bday. Sunday we went to church, then ice-skating at Grammy's neighbor's pond! This is always a winter highlight. We usually get cold enough temperatures for long enough that we get to ice skate for real once a year. Emma is getting so good! She loves to skate and never wants to go inside! (not cool if you're the one watching her!) She was trying to spin, jump and skate backwards. I'm lucky if I don't fall down! Lila was glad to try her skates out again, too, but she couldn't wait to go in for hot chocolate. :)

Here they are - Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding:

Sadly, we then watched the Eagles say goodbye to their chance to go to the Superbowl - BUT that also meant we said goodbye to Ryan's playoff facial hair. I kind of liked it, but I'm glad he's back to his smooth self again.Today was another nice day at home. We got things done around the house and the girls were excited to watch a snowfall out the window even it was a really wimpy one.

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