Thursday, December 13, 2007

Doggy Party

Today we celebrated Lila's third Birthday with a little party for her friends. It was low key (I'm tired of party-planning), but they all had a good time.

She had McKenna and Brooke, Andrew and Lilliane, Ben, and Annie (the little girl that Becca nannies). She kept saying that she had to invite "my boys - Andrew and Ben", so it couldn't be a princess party.

They colored doggy pictures, made a foam sticker craft thing, and played toss the dog bone in the bowl.

We served doggy snack mix (dry puff cereal, popcorn, and "scooby snacks" - graham crackers that look like dog treats) and cupcakes with paw prints on them.
This is a rare, great picture of Lila. She must have been really happy to give the camera a smile like that!

The kids played nicely and relatively quietly. The moms, who happen to be most of my closest friends and my sister, drank coffee with peppermint mocha creamer. -Yum!

It was a lovely hour and a half. Lila was genuinely thrilled with each of her gifts. She squealed with joy, "Oh my goodness, Mommy!" as she opened each one. I told Emma that the kids at Lila's 3rd Birthday Party were much better behaved than the ones at Emma's 8th Birthday Party. Oh well, some day Lila's friends will be 8 year old screaming girls too.

So, the birthday party was a success, next I'm hosting the neighborhood house tour on Saturday. Relaxation is underrated.

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