Lila's new game is to ask, "What's your name again?" to all of us, and then wait for a silly answer. At dinner the other night, we asked her and she replied, "Hi, I'm Kitty." - Not sure were she got that one.
Lila, at the restaurant asked if she could have more broccoli instead of ice cream.
Dad told mom she talks too loud on the cell phone. If you know my parents at all - that's hysterical! My Dad is the loudest talker on the planet. He literally keeps his cell phone on speaker phone all the time so he can hear it better. Ever hear of the pot and the kettle, Dad?
Gaston at the Beauty and the Beast show looked like Uncle Chris. This sent all of us into fits of giggles - especially when he sang about how much he eats and how well he can spit.
Cotton candy incident: We were at Fantasmic, a huge nighttime show at MGM Studios. I was walking Lila out of our row to go the bathroom. Before I even knew what was happening, she reached over and grabbed some cotton candy out of the bag from the people in front of us! As she was munching away, I apologized profusely. The people were so nice. They said, "That's OK honey, we have plenty, take as much as you want!" Not exactly the lesson I was looking to teach Lila. Needless to say, I didn't let her take any more. She's just so fast!
We had great time at the Princess Breakfast with Aunt Becca, Gappy and Grammy. The girls were both thrilled to meet the princesses. It was a great way to break Lila in to meeting the characters.
Emma loves being Aunt Becca's ride partner!
While Lila was napping in the parks, we lost one of her shoes. We checked guest relations, but no luck. It was early in the day, so she is now the proud owner of very fancy Mickey Mouse crocs. They'd better fit her next summer!
Ryan and Emma played mini golf at the hotel one day. They also went to the gym together - Emma though the stairmaster was really cool (whatever!). Then they went swimming and a family at the pool gave them a fishing pole because they were checking out and didn't want to pack it. I foresee some resort fishing in the future.
Lila was sick yesterday. She had a fever and a sore "froat". She rode in her stroller and napped off and on. This morning she's better. We're staying at the resort for some down time. I asked her if her throat still hurt, and she said, "No, Just my barker." I couldn't make this stuff up!!! Stand up comedy is in her future!
It's been freezing at night! Last night I wore a thermal shirt and capri pants and my teeth were chattering. I know, I know, most of you are in much colder weather, but I'm in Florida!
Today Emma is at a water park today with Uncle Rob and Aunt Meghan. She was SO excited to get to spend the day with them by herself! They were really looking forward to it too. Emma is so good most of the time, that I feel like she doesn't get enough attention. When your sister demands such constant attention, you get a little bit ignored. I've really been trying to spend extra time with just her, even if that just means walking with her and holding her hand. She's so sweet!
Lila thought we were eating at "Steak and Ill". She coughed until she gagged at dinner and then threw up at the table. At least she hadn't eaten anything yet - just water.
The girls both enjoyed the parade and the castle show on our last day at the parks. You can never see too many princesses - even when you're almost 8.
Emma enjoyed the American Association of Chalk Artists display at Downtown Disney. She even got to participate.
The most fun was had at the pool when about 8 kids (our two included) went in the hot tub with their crocs on. They splashed with them, tossed them, and had boat races with them. Who needs amusement parks?!
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