Friday, November 16, 2007

Midnight Mopping

It's 1:00 a.m. and I just finished washing my kitchen floor.


Because it's the only time I had to do it. Emma's birthday is tomorrow. So is her party (at home and very creative, of course). And her cookie cake for school. And we just got home from vacation. And I'm hosting the dessert portion of Thanksgiving for 17 people. And I had to make a gingerbread house today (long story). And I'm coordinating a church banquet for 500 people in two weeks.

Anyway, tomorrow I will be a much, much happier mommy because my floor is clean, and I may even have time to drag my Halloween-candy-enlarged butt to the gym before my newly 8-year-old daughter returns home from school.



Organized Chaos said...

It was nice to see your butt at the know what I mean.

Make sure you post some cake pictures.

nilvento said...

halloween candy is evil....I finally had to banish mine to the dining room....out of sight out of mind.