Monday, July 16, 2007

National Ice Cream Day

Did you know that yesterday, July 15th was National Ice Cream Day? I didn't until Ryan informed me. He was looking for a good excuse to indulge. Apparently Ronald Reagan declared it sometime in the 80's. So, to celebrate we went to a local favorite for a cold treat...then we went to the Boardwalk with Gramma and Papa...and had ice cream again. Hey - it was National Ice Cream Day! The girls thought Mommy and Daddy had lost their minds. Gramma and Papa are a bad influence on us. Oh, and in my defense, Lila and I shared the cone both times, so it really only amounts to one for me.
Anyway, the boats were a hit - Dumbo, not so much.


Organized Chaos said...

I can't BELIEVE you didn't inform us it was N.I.D...and I can't believe my ice-creamaholic husband didn't know!

I feel robbed. I have to wait another year to have a good excuse!

Guess you weren't concerned about how you were going to look in that bridesmaid dress anymore! :)

nilvento said...

What?? National Ice Cream day?? Next time, send out an email, so we can all enjoy some guilt free ice cream ;)

tee hee hee