Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sweet and Sassy

Well, it has begun. My second child now has a social life and Ryan and I are at the mercy of our daughters' social calendars. Kindergarten must be the official beginning - we have Birthday party invites every weekend. I know we can pick and choose what we attend, but it's all so new and exciting! :) Lila has been dragged around her whole life to everything Emma ever has, and now she's loving her new role as social butterfly. Plus, if other parents are insane enough to pay who-knows-how-much for super extravagent parties at awesomely fun locations, why shouldn't we take advantage of that?!
Last Friday was a highlight. Lila had a party at Sweet and Sassy - crazy girly fun! The 24! girls all got to dress in a gown, get their hair, nails, and makeup done, learn some party dances, and then walk the runway with their "new" look! While my feminist side knows that my daughter should be pulling her self-worth from within, the rest of me admits that it was a 5 year old's dream come true - and so cute and funny! Here's a peek:

This Friday Lila and I are going to a bouncy place for a party while Ryan is chaperoning the "Fifth Grade Event" at Emma's school. I sure hope the kids in Lila's class are all tired of all the glitz and high-energy fun by the time we have her party later this month. It's a butterfly party - at home with cupcakes, crafts, and a pinata. :)

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