Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lila is Six!

Well, my little baby girl turned six last week, and I haven't even had a spare second to blog about it! Why is it that that I have two children - one with a birthday a week before Thanksgiving, and one with a birthday a week before Christmas?! It's a crazy holiday season here.
Lila's birthday was last Thursday. We tried to hang birthday decorations to cover up the Christmas ones. She was thrilled to receive "Felicity" her new American Girl doll. She told me she was "the prettiest doll she had ever seen in her whole entire life". :) I love having daughters!

Lila continues to entertain us with her funny and whimsical ways. She's witty and smart. She loves going to school every day, and is having a terrific year. Her teacher reports that she is a leader - we knew this, but were happy to hear that other kids are actually starting to follow. Lila is helpful both at home and at school. Her big sister is her hero, and she can't wait for weekends when she is allowed to sleep with Emma. She loves to play with Barbies and organize her enormous make up collection. Our dog, Trudy, is her best friend and the two of them play for hours. Lila love animals of all kinds, butterflies and insects, nonfiction books from the library, snacks, and messy crafts. She finished playing soccer this fall and is loving being in a Daisy Girl Scout Troop. She loves making new friends and is quite the Kindergarten social butterfly. There's a funny/adorable story about Lila every day of her life, and we just love her and are so proud to be "the famous Lila" 's parents! What joy she brings to our lives!

Birthday morning

Birthday cupcakes at school

Birthday evening

Family party

Lila with her family

Pink cake with raspberries

Lila's Butterfly Birthday Party

My beautiful Butterfly Princess

The Kindergarten Krew :)

The picture she drew in her journal of her family celebrating her birthday.
Just look at all the love in the air!! :)

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