Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So Busy

We are still here. It's just that life has been a bit busier than normal lately. Since my last post, we've had:

A birthday party for Emma - she invited four friends and we took them all to the movies to see Disney's A Christmas Carol in 3D. It was a good movie and a great time. We stopped for pizza on the way home, then had cookie cake and presents at home.

The Women's Christmas Banquet for church - I'm the coordinator of this two-night event for almost 500 women, and the business of it all was even crazier than normal this year! Phew! It was a beautiful night, but I'm so glad it's over!

The Living Nativity at a local church - a very cold, but very wonderful night. A local church does such a wonderful job of telling God's story. The girls love this highlight of the season, so even though Ryan couldn't attend (he was serving at our church), the girls and I went with friends.

A Gingerbread House night - at our house with good friends - but a very sticky floor! :)

Focusing on the reason for it all

-Oh, and then our normal busy daily life. Lila's birthday is tomorrow, so I'll post about those events soon.

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