Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Five Year Old

Lila turned five last week, and I still can't believe it! What was life like before her?! I have no idea - calm and uneventful, I'm guessing. She sure does keep us on our toes!

She is a wonderful preschooler who thinks she is ten, at least, just like her sister. She loves to play with Trudy, dance (to Radio Disney songs, of course!), and watch movies. Her "new" bear (to replace the completely disgusting and worn out one), Henry, is still her favorite toy. Lip gloss is her addiction - she spends hours transferring ALL of her lipglosses from special boxes to purses and back. Lila is also very good at puzzles and can recognize and write most of her letters - if she's in the mood. ;) She is full of happy mischief and makes us all laugh with her shenanigans. We love you so much, Lila!!

Her birthday was a whirlwind week of celebrating. Tell me why, again, I decided to have a baby the week before Christmas?! Oh yeah - I had very little to do with the timing. It's craziness! We started out with a family party on Monday, because that was literally the only day before Christmas that everyone was available. Lila requested pizza and red velvet cake, and I appreciated the simple menu. She got books, Disney princess Pollys, E.T. (a favorite), and a camera (number one thing she asked for), among other things.
Aunt Becca comes up big... costume for Kit!

How old are you, Lila?

Tuesday, we celebrated her birthday in her class, and I was the helper. We brought her absolute favorite, soft pretzels, for the snack. I also got to watch the reharsal for the Christmas play - hilarious!

Calendar time with Mrs. Olson

Wednesday, her real birthday, we did a bit of shopping and had lunch at Burger King. We had to rush up to church after dinner for the kids choir (both of our girls) to practice for Christmas Eve.

My beautiful 5 year old
"Thanks Tanta!"

Thursday was her kid party. We had four little girls over for a "Mermaid/Under the Sea Party". It was pretty low key, all that mattered to Lila was that there was a pinata. :)

Kit Kitteredge showed up in her mermaid costume

Get out of her way!

Lilly and Lila


Organized Chaos said...

I think she actually is looking older! Must be the long hair. Pretty lucky girl to celebrate "5" all week long...hope she had a great time. Ms. Melynie misses her.

bondgirl said...

Happy Birthday Lila! Love the Suttons

I LOVE red velvet cake!

Lillian Craze said...

Melissa, I think that our Anna (5) and your Lila would be bestest friends. Anna asked for Kit for Christmas from Santa. "I LOVE Kit so much. I don't know why. I just do." :) Lillian