Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Look Out Fourth Grade, Here Comes Emma!

This morning was finally the first day of school for Emma! She was ready to go back, and we're all ready for a little more of a routine around here. She had her outfit all laid out, and woke up with her alarm even though she had a hard time falling asleep last night. We even had time to paint her nails (blue to match her outfit) after breakfast. We woke Lila up to say goodbye, knowing she'd be missing her sister all day. Luckily for Lila, the cable guys were here this morning, so she had someone to talk to. And show all of her toys to. And talk about dog breeds with. Incessantly. For an hour.
I hate waiting for the first day to be over! The suspense is killing me! I feel so left out! Emma has a half day today, though, so only a few more hours before I hear all about it.

4th Grader

Back Pack Shot

Beautiful Emma!

I'll miss you!!

Here it comes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wanna park a bus in her that's for sure!!