Monday, September 14, 2009

Lila's Turn

Today was the first day of Pre-K for Lila - very exciting! She's had mixed emotions all sumer, but once Emma started, she was ready to go and asked everyday if it her first day yet. We purposely didn't talk much about it yesterday, as Lila tends to shut down if you make a big deal over her. At bedtime, I said, "You know you have school tomorrow?"
"Yes, Mom," was her overly calm response. She wasn't nervous last night or this morning - all smiles over breakfast and getting ready.

When we walked in the room it was a different story. Lila hid behind my legs and wouldn't look at anyone. She wouldn't even take a squirt of Purell from her teacher, and Lila loves Purell! After about five minutes, her pal Kate came in, and that made a huge difference. They played and didn't even care when I went to the parents' meeting. She had a great time and didn't want to leave when I came back for her.

Tomorrow is the first real day, so we'll see how that goes. Her teachers still think she's a shy, frightened, fragile little girl. ;)

Yum - pancakes on the special plate!

Does she look nervous to you?!
Ready to go in...

Yeah! Kate is here!

Busy ironing for some new friends

1 comment:

jess e. said...

i think that silly face could win a contest! ;-)