Friday, October 3, 2008

Funny Conversation

Lila and I were just talking about when I she was in my tummy, and here's the hilarious conversation:
M: You used to kick me from inside my tummy.
L: I did?
M: Yes, do you remember being in there?
L: (nodding her head) mmm-hmmm.
M: You do?!
L: Yes.
M: What did it look like inside my tummy?
L: There was lots 'a' junk.
M: Really, like what kind of junk?
L: Like worms,..... and bones,.... and junk.
M: Hmmm, I never knew that.
L: Yup - that's what I remember.

1 comment:

Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

That Lila has quite the immagination! You never know what's next!