Friday, August 8, 2008

Washington Trip - Part Two

The second half of our trip was just as action-packed as the first. We were sad to see our cousins go home, but enjoyed time with Gramma and Papa. Here are a few more highlights:

The cousins' rock band - I won't bore you with the video, but it's priceless! They wrote an original song entitled "Homestead Here We Come" about all of the things we get to do at the reunion - cutest thing ever!

My hard-working girls - Gramma and Papa need a lot of wood to keep warm all winter long!
They were glad to help.

Couer D'Alene, ID has an awesome art festival every year. It's a gorgeous town and not too far, so we like to go.
Gramma and Papa at the park
There is a section where the kids can do hands on art...
...and jugglingRyan an Papa watching the girls swim
I thought the beautiful water was a little chilly for swimming...
...but they didn't!

Back at Gramma and Papa's town park:
Ryan affectionately calls this one, "the death cage". There are also other pieces of dangerous "old-school" playground equipment - a parent's nightmare to supervise!

Picking huckleberries that we later put in our pancakes and ice cream - yum!
Cousin time with Kristyn

A family ride through the forest in "Howard" the pink car

We went swimming in the Columbia River

The girls got to brush and ride Elizabeth's horse, Aurora.
Elizabeth taught Emma how to ride by herself - she thought she was one of the "Saddle Club Girls" for sure!
Click on this one to enlarge it and see how big that smile is!

We had a wonderful trip full of fun and memories (and a few too many calories). Thank you Gramma and Papa for everything!

Now I'm trying to get my act together at home - less than a month until school starts!

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