Thursday, August 14, 2008

Moving Day

My good friend, Melynie, and her family is moving today. Brad is in the Air Force, and we met them 7 years ago when they lived here for three years. Now they've lived in several other places, but have been back here for the past year. We knew it would only be a short stay, and we've loved having them and picking up where we left off. That only makes it harder to say goodbye. I can handle Melynie and I saying goodbye - knowing that we'll talk on the phone probably even later today and they're only going to the DC area this time. It's the five little girls between the two of us saying goodbye that breaks my heart.
Their family stayed here last night, so the girls enjoyed a giant slumber party. Right now the girls are chillin' with some morning TV while their parents are cleaning their empty old house. Aren't they cute?

We miss you already!

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