Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I cleaned my fridge yesterday. I know that many of you can appreciate the feeling of accomplishment that goes along with that. I really emptied it, washed the shelves and the inside - it's a beautiful thing! The next time any of you are at my house, please open it and take a look. A 12 year old fridge couldn't look better.


Organized Chaos said...

This must be an April's Fool!

Seriously...I knew you would be missing me a lot, but MAN, do you ever sound bored! You've stooped to such low levels to cope...cleaning the fridge! I'll be home in a few days, don't do anything crazy like alphabetizing the pantry.

once upon a lifetime said...

Hey- now you can say the same about your oven!! :)

nilvento said...

you are so funny....