Sunday, March 23, 2008

He Is Risen!

We had a wonderful Easter service this morning! It just felt like a party to be in church! Isn't that what it should be like?! -God's people absolutely celebrating the power and wonder of Easter! It was awesome to be a part of it!

When we came home, we of course had to hunt for the eggs. This was extra fun this year because Trudy kept stealing them out of the baskets and running away with them! It was like an egg hunt and an egg chase all in one! The girls got to wear their flower girl dresses from Rob and Meg's wedding one more time. I bought them pink cardigans (because it's freezing!)and they looked precious!

We're going to my parents' house in a little while for an egg hunt with their neighbors around the pond (they may even find real duck eggs!) and dinner with my family.

Happy Easter everyone! Jesus is alive!


once upon a lifetime said...

The girls look adorable!!

nilvento said...

cute picture of Trudy...and the girls look good too!

Joseph Lupoli said...

Yes, they certainly are cuties. Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures and text with us.