Thursday, April 3, 2008

Could Have Been Bad

Yesterday I got to use my fire extinguisher. (Thank you for the wedding gift, Uncle Erne). I was baking a cookie cake because it was my sister's birthday and we were going to have it at minichurch. Well, apparently it dripped over the edge of the pan and into the bottom part of my oven (where the heating element is), and caught on fire. I was right in the kitchen with the girls, so I smelled it right away. I expected to see charred cookie drips on the bottom of the oven, not flames!
They were small flames, but flames still!
I turned off the oven and shut the door. Then I went to get the fire extinguisher.
OK, wait and it will burn itself out.
What if it gets bigger?
"Emma - take Lila and Trudy outside!"
Is it burning out?
How does this silly thing work?
I tried to wait about five minutes, but I think it was only 40 seconds, then my firefighting skills leapt into action.
I opened the door and gave it one or two quick squirts.
Dust Everywhere!
The fire was out, but my whole house was filled with a fine powder. It was as if Ryan had sanded drywall with no drop cloths - everywhere. So now I had no minichurch snack (it was totally covered with the powder) and 30 people coming to my filthy dirty house in 2 1/2 hours.

God gave me perspective instead of panic. We were all fine. The house was fine. It could have been bad. It was just a mess. And now I know how to use a fire extinguisher!

But if I had just let it go for a few minutes... I could have had that new kitchen I've always wanted... hmmm...

1 comment:

once upon a lifetime said...

I am SO glad that you were able to stay calm and act quickly! That's a scary feeling.. yep, it's happened to me- apple pie spilling over into my oven. Thankfully my husband was home because I was literally shaking in fear!
Your house looked as clean as ever and your next batch of cookies were delicious! You definitely pulled it all off! I'm impressed!