Thursday, June 21, 2007

Emma's Turn

Emma wants to write about the best part of her day now:

When I was modeling ...
I was on one of the last pictures and I was on the ROOF! of the building, you know it was flat and had lounge chairs! One of the pictures on the roof was me holding a tree frog in a jar. After I was done on the roof we were going in and the lady who owned the frog for the picture said...
do you want to keep it if it is OK with your mommy. I said OK I will ask her(very excited.) So I sort of ran in to tell my mom! So I went in the room and asked her can I keep the frog? And she said yes! On the way home we looked for a Petsmart and we could not find one. BUT LUCKY
us because... my dad was on his way home from the airport so he stopped and got a tank and stuff!
my frog's name is Nellie Ellie King frog and she eats LIVE crickets EWW! Here is a picture!

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