Monday, July 19, 2010

We Love VBS!!

The church around the corner had VBS last week. They had classes for both of my kids ages. We could walk there. It was from 8:45 - 12:00 - 5 days. It was free! Need I say more?
The girls had a blast. This is the first time (since they're five years apart) that they could both be a part of the same activity. It was so nice to hear them chatting about the songs and the people from camp together. I'm so thankful for this church and the impact they have in our town. So many kids from Emma's school attended their VBS - and they all brought more friends each day! When Lila found out on Thursday night that Friday was the last day, she cried sincere, sad tears! :( Thank you, corner church, for reaching out to my children and the kids of our community! Now we've opened the door to invite them all to our church for 5th grade camp in August, and youth group in the fall!

Abby, Emma, Shannon, and Maddy

Lila, Kate, and Megan

More of Emma's crew

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