Thursday, July 1, 2010


They're gone! Lila no longer has tonsils or adenoids, and I couldn't be happier that it's all over!
She had the outpatient surgery this morning. We arrived at 5:45 am (pretty early after our late night galavanting with Miss Tessa!), and they wheeled her away from us at 7:00. By 8:00 we were in the recovery room with the "best patient ever". She didn't shed even one tear through the whole ordeal! She was nervous, but we prayed with her, and the "giggle juice" took the edge off before we had to leave her.
She woke up when we entered the room, greeted us with a huge smile, and said, "Mom, my throat doesn't even hurt!" She was overly pleasant and polite to everyone who checked on her, and Ryan and I were very proud of her. The staff all told us she should be the poster child for tonsillectomies. We saw and heard lots of kids not coping nearly as well. :( They sent us home around 10:00, and she's been resting and enjoying the spoiling ever since. Movies, visitors, milkshakes, presents - she thinks the surgery was worth it! Let's hope it stays that way! She's on tylenol with codeine and an antibiotic for now. We can't wait to see how the sleep apnea improves - she's sleeping quietly now. (If you know Lila, quietly sleeping is a rare thing!)
Thank you for covering our family with prayer! We truly felt His presence.




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