Saturday, January 9, 2010


Well, I'm finally getting around to blogging about our wonderful holiday. At first we were so busy, and then we were just busy relaxing together as a family, so I've been a total blog slacker. Part of the problem is that we got a very exciting New Year's gift - a new iMac! I love it, but it's taking some getting used to. I've been working on transferring my laptop photos into iPhoto so I could update my blog.
Our holiday was full of blessings including: fun gifts for all, time with friends and family, church fun, down time with Daddy, and celebrating Jesus.

Obligatory Santa photo:
We waited in line forever to see this guy. Lila told him she wanted real pixie dust so she could fly - great, that'll happen! She also asked for Sprayza (a cool marker set advertised on Nick) and an Easy Bake Oven. Emma wanted a bell from his sleigh - hmmm, watch Polar Express much? She also asked for Blendy Pens (another marker set as seen on TV) and an mp3 player.

Christmas Eve:
The girls sang with our Kingdom Kids choir at all four church services - 1, 3, 5, and 7!! We were at church from 12:30 until 7:30, but it was great to celebrate God's gift to us with our church family. The kids had a super time with an all-day Christmas party in one wing of the church. They had food, movies, activities and games with all of their friends all day. Ryan and I helped manage the kids and enjoyed the company of our closest friends. Emma sang a solo for the last two services. She sounded as beautiful as she looked, and we were so proud of her. Lila was a trooper and entertained the congregation four times with her adorable-yet-emabarassing, scarf swinging shenanigans.

We went to Aunt Becca's house after church for our traditional Christmas Eve "snacks for dinner". It was nice to relax with family after a high-strung day!

We ended the holiday with a fabulous dinner at my mom and dad's. Uncle Rob and Aunt Meghan joined us, as did my Uncle Barry and his family.

Ryan took off a few days over the rest of break, and we did pretty much nothing. That was wonderful - and very unusual for us!! We stayed in jammies, played with the girls, worked on projects, and stayed low key. Ahhh...

1 comment:

treva said...

girls with santa photo: love the air purifier in the background!