Sunday, January 31, 2010

Back in the Swing

I realize that I'm such a blog slacker that I can't actually catch up on all that's gone on in our family this month, so I'll just start with this week.

We had a crazy week as usual. It started with a Girl Talk event at church (that I had the privilege of coordinating) with over 240 women in attendance! Then, Wednesday, we hosted Pastor Ghassan from Baghdad for dinner. What an amazing man! It was an honor to have him in our home and at our minichurch.

Thursday and Friday were the funeral services for my dear "old Aunt Dotty" (that was how she signed all of our cards). She passed away suddenly last Sunday, and she will be missed so much!
Aunt Dotty was my great aunt. She never married or had any children, but all 100 people in attendance at her service Friday morning called her "Aunt Dotty". She was a sweet, loving lady who endeared herself to all who knew her - familhy, church family, community, etc. Thanksgiving (Dollar Store) presents wrapped in newspaper was my favorite Aunt Dotty tradition. She always brought several for everyone, plus extra door prizes we raffled off! She also sent cards and notes for every occasion possible - lost teeth, report cards, new fish, etc. She was the only east coast great-grandparent my children ever knew - and they loved her! In fact, at her service, during open sharing time, Lila kept raising her hand. I, of course, kept pushing it down, afraid of what she might say. I'm so glad I finally gave in and let her share in front of 100 people. Lila stood and loudly proclaimed to the audience, "She was my great great Aunt Dotty, and I just loved her so much!" There was a collective sob through the room, and Ryan and I were so proud of our extroverted, bold, loving daughter. It was a rough week dealing the girls' emotions and questions - you can only imagine the wondering that went on! :)

We came home in time for a minichurch leader's dinner on Friday night. Saturday we had a little baby shower here for my friend Faith. So today, after church and a birthday party that Lila attended, we're enjoying some down time as a family. We're looking forward to life settling down this week.

1 comment:

Papa said...

Just as "Gradma" explained it!
I'm not surprised. She does have a heart of gold.