Monday, August 24, 2009

"Organized Chaos" Visits "Royal Cuties"

I'm not picking on her with that title, that's actually the name of my dear friend, Melynie's, blog. She, her husband, and 4 little girls came to visit for the weekend. Truth be told, with six girls ranging in age from 5 months to 9 years, there was plenty of chaos, but not much organization. :)

We had a super time with our friends even if our agenda didn't go as planned. We were supposed to celebrate Mckenna's sixth birthday by going to the beach on Saturday, but Hurricane Bill had other plans. So we met Katie's family at the International Sports Center for some roller-skating, moon-bouncing, net-climbing good times instead. When the weather broke for a short while, we stopped for slushies at Sonic and then crashed our friends' pool. Jul's family came over for birthday cake Saturday night. Sunday, we took Bertucci's by storm - 11 adults and 13 children for an after-church lunch.

We're so thankful for these relationships. We all had a wonderful time and the kids cried saying good-bye to each other. They are truly family to us and we love them and wish Brad would get stationed here just one more time - or maybe for good.

The "after-storm, wet wood, patio party"

The promised s'mores...

I call this one, "Of Course..."

Jacob and Emma


Lila and Brooke lovin' each otherSonic!

Mckenna's Cupcake cake

Cha-cha line in the rain

Bertucci's will never be the same!

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