Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spy Camp

I got to sleep at the Franklin Institute last night! I know, I know - lucky me. Emma's Brownie Troop got to go and I was a chaperone. We had a super time! (At least until it was actually time to go to sleep on the museum floor!) The girls explored the museum and found the information they needed to earn their patches. We also got to see an IMAX movie about the Grand Canyon and a Planetarium show. I'm so glad I got to have this experience with Emma. She had a great time, and I could tell how happy she was that I was with her.

The gang waiting for a show

Emma and Julia traveling into the left ventricle maybe?
"You're brushing your teeth in a museum?!!!"

Emma's on the left - we slept right there, almost touching the heart

Emma and Alexis

Most of the troop with Ben

Emma and Alexis playing goalie

Very cool train exhibit

My duo flying a plane

Emma with wings, trying to fight the wind


Awesome view of the Pendulum in the staircase with 3 cute onlookers

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