Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Show and Tell

Lila had Show and Tell at school yesterday. She's been waiting all year for it to be her turn, so she could bring her "Big Bear" to show her friends. Big Bear is in pretty pathetic shape - he has holes, his chenille fur is mostly picked off, he's been restuffed once, he's faded from a pretty sage green to a dull and colorless gray - but boy is he loved!!! On the way to school yesterday, I was prepping her on what the kids would ask.

"What's your bear's name?"
"Big Bear - umm wait, I think I want to give him a name now."
It's been over 4 years, but apparently this was the naming day for Big Bear!
"What's his name, then?"
"Hailey? - That's a girl's name, and he's a boy."
"Um, Tyler - that's a nice boy's name."
...and that's the name she used for him for the rest of the day! (I knew you'd like that one, Noelle!)

I went to pick her up a little early, so I could witness this event. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my video to turn on at school, so one video is the tail end of her presentation at school, and the other is at home after when I asked her to do it again for me. I was quite impressed with her public speaking skills! Most kids don't say anything, just hold up their toy. Lila had a whole speech planned! :) Oh, and I couldn't figure out how to rotate the videos so I'm sorry if your neck gets sore.

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