Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Show and Tell

Lila had Show and Tell at school yesterday. She's been waiting all year for it to be her turn, so she could bring her "Big Bear" to show her friends. Big Bear is in pretty pathetic shape - he has holes, his chenille fur is mostly picked off, he's been restuffed once, he's faded from a pretty sage green to a dull and colorless gray - but boy is he loved!!! On the way to school yesterday, I was prepping her on what the kids would ask.

"What's your bear's name?"
"Big Bear - umm wait, I think I want to give him a name now."
It's been over 4 years, but apparently this was the naming day for Big Bear!
"What's his name, then?"
"Hailey? - That's a girl's name, and he's a boy."
"Um, Tyler - that's a nice boy's name."
...and that's the name she used for him for the rest of the day! (I knew you'd like that one, Noelle!)

I went to pick her up a little early, so I could witness this event. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my video to turn on at school, so one video is the tail end of her presentation at school, and the other is at home after when I asked her to do it again for me. I was quite impressed with her public speaking skills! Most kids don't say anything, just hold up their toy. Lila had a whole speech planned! :) Oh, and I couldn't figure out how to rotate the videos so I'm sorry if your neck gets sore.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spy Camp

I got to sleep at the Franklin Institute last night! I know, I know - lucky me. Emma's Brownie Troop got to go and I was a chaperone. We had a super time! (At least until it was actually time to go to sleep on the museum floor!) The girls explored the museum and found the information they needed to earn their patches. We also got to see an IMAX movie about the Grand Canyon and a Planetarium show. I'm so glad I got to have this experience with Emma. She had a great time, and I could tell how happy she was that I was with her.

The gang waiting for a show

Emma and Julia traveling into the left ventricle maybe?
"You're brushing your teeth in a museum?!!!"

Emma's on the left - we slept right there, almost touching the heart

Emma and Alexis

Most of the troop with Ben

Emma and Alexis playing goalie

Very cool train exhibit

My duo flying a plane

Emma with wings, trying to fight the wind


Awesome view of the Pendulum in the staircase with 3 cute onlookers

Friday, March 20, 2009

Come on now!

Happy 1st Day of Spring!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Lila and I were invited to go with her Cubbies class to see some baby lambs today. They were SO cute! Lila couldn't get enough. You can see she's the one who couldn't bear to take her hands away from little lamb-y for the group shot. This family also had bunnies and chicks, but the lambs were the best! What a wonderful sign of spring!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Daddy-Daughter Dance

Ryan and Emma had a great time at the annual Daddy-Daughter Dance last night. Emma was so excited because she had her hair cut after school yesterday, and she got to show off her new look to her friends at the dance. This is the most "style" her hair has ever had. She beautiful - just a bit too grown up. :(
Lila, of course, wanted in on some of the pictures. She and I made our own fun at Chick-Fil-A with Aunt Jul, Andrew and Lilly.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Week in Pictures

Emma - unaware that I'm watching her at her Orff Assembly - pretty cute and colorful!

Cupcakes for the Charlotte's Web party at school:

What happens when Lila gets the camera - #1:

and #2 ("Lila!!!"):

Playing in snow when it's 74 degrees outside - a rare treat!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

I just saw this video on line and it cracked me up!!
Trudy has some funny dreams, but dog is stressed out!

Monday, March 2, 2009

March Blizzard

We had an awesome snowfall last night, and we all had blast playing in about 12 inches on 3/2! School was closed, and so was Ryan's office - so we enjoyed many rounds of snow play and hot chocolate with no guilt.

King of the Mountain!

King of the Driveway!

Gotta love close (in both proximity and relationship) friends with a hill!
Ben loves an excuse to push Hailey and Emma :)

Lila's attempt at snowboarding

So Pretty!



A game of Fox and Geese

They caught Daddy

Proof that I was there too!