Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Family Movie Night

We had Family Movie Night last weekend. Emma got the book and the movie Because of Winn Dixie for Christmas. She finished the book, so we watched the movie together. We made Jiffy Pop, which they had never seen before. We decided that it was a very exciting snack. Emma told me that the new "historical" American Girl has popcorn "just like this"! Yeah - she's from the 1970's - "historical!?!?"


nilvento said...

cute jammies...that is so funny about the historical popcorn....

Organized Chaos said...

Too funny...Brad bought some last month when he did the grocery shopping.

He said he thought it would be fun with the kids.

Great minds think alike.

bondgirl said...

I always wanted Jiffy pop when I was a kid but my parents had a corning ware stove top since I was 4. When we first lived in the condo I was so excited that I could get and make Jiffy pop. (I was a little disappointed in it - for some reason I had really built it up in my head that it had to be the best tasting popcorn!)