Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mini-Munchkin Soccer

This deserves a post of it's own. :) Lila has been watching her sister play soccer for pretty much her entire life, and now it's her turn. She's playing on the Kindergarten co-ed team, and boy, is it funny to watch! At this age they're just learning to enjoy the game and have fun. Most kids position the ball with their hands before they kick it. They often swarm all together onto the neighboring field and shoot on the wrong goal. Ryan is her coach and is pretty awesome, I must say. Emma is loving helping him out with the five little ones.
The contrast of our two girls is once again very apparent. Emma's soccer strengths in the early years were: listening to the coach, doing exactly as she was told, understanding and playing by the rules, giving all the kids on the field a chance to kick the ball. Lila, on the other hand, is quite aggressive (I know, surprise, surprise!). She scored three goals last week, and probably would have also scored a yellow card had there been a referee! Her competitive drive is amazing - the girl wants to win! She cheers for her team with such enthusiasm that it makes me blush as her mother! It's going to be a fun fall with Lila's adorable games in the morning and Emma's competitive games in the afternoon.

"OK, make sure you remember which goal you're going for."

Lila - controlling the ball

Andrew and Lila :)

Assistant Coach and Coach

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