Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I had an eventful Mother's Day yesterday. Lila and I got to spend the first half of it in the ER!

The girls were singing in church this weekend with their choir. I had just finished telling them to smile and not pick their noses and had gone to sit down in the sanctuary. I saw Emma come out, but no Lila. Apparently she had tripped on the way up the hallway and caught herself on her arm. When I got to her, she was crying and being tended to by an RN friend. Lila's a very tough cookie, so I knew that the tears were serious. She has a dangerously high pain tolerance. In fact, the night before, we were at a friend's house for dinner and she fell on the same arm. We were concerned then, but she settled down and even went to sleep. Sunday morning she seemed fine, but said it was still a little sore. I guess the fall that morning sealed the deal, because she has an closed distal radius fracture, and tomorrow we're going for the cast.

A nice nurse offered to take a picture to remember our Mother's Day:

Even with the added drama, I still had a wonderful Mother's Day. I'm so thankful that God has entrusted these two amazing daughters to me. What a joy to serve Him as their mother. I also got to talk to Ryan's mom, and celebrate and have dinner with my own terrific mother and role-model. I love you, moms!

Here the girls are working on a special dessert with Aunt Becca:


Organized Chaos said...

I came over here to check for more of the story after seeing your FB post. My girls are SO jealous of a cast! I'll be checking back later for pictures!

Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

I'm sure that friend must feel awful for perhaps being involved with the broken arm! :o)