Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter Vacation...

We took it literally this year, and actually went away on a vacation! We took the the girls to Williamsburg
for a few days, and had a great time!

The unseasonably hot (97!) temperatures made it feel like summer, so we were able to enjoy the pool at the hotel, as well as Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg. Emma loved the roller coasters, Lila loved the animals, Ryan loved the reenactments, and we all loved spending some of the time with our good friends: Bryan, Lisa, Hailey, and Ben.

We celebrated our risen Savior with our own family service in the hotel. The kids loved telling about Easter with the "Resurrection Eggs" activity, Ryan read the account from the bible, and we all prayed around the table. My only regret was that we didn't sing "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" - can't escape my Presbyterian upbringing. We had a delicious breakfast cooked by Bryan and Lisa, followed by an air-conditioned egg-hunt.

The downtime of the vacation was really nice too. The kids and men enjoyed playing tennis and basketball at the hotel - until Bryan sprained his ankle. Lisa and I had fun chatting and talking about how we were going to lose our vacation weight when we got home. (Still working on that!) There was great shopping nearby, and Emma got to finish up some research on Martha Washington for a school project. The icing on the cake was a quick dinnertime visit with our great friends outside DC on the way home.

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