Well, Christmas came and went, along with January, and I've yet to update my blog. So, here it all is in a very abbreviated format.
Gramma and Papa came to visit for Christmas! It was so wonderful to have them here to share in our holiday fun. Since the primary readers of my blog were here experiencing our daily lives, I didn't feel the need to update.
Here is a photo synopsis of the 2.5 weeks surrounding Jesus's birthday at our house:
...just a small part of the food prep fun with Gramma...
...the kids singing in church on 12/24...
Lila's in the middle with a red bow in her hair, and Emma's on the far right in black with a red scarf.
Emma singing her solo :)
Lila singing her heart out :)
Santa was here!!
I'm not sure what the big guy was thinking bringing marshmallow guns to our girls!
12/26 snow storm!
...helping her sister...
Lila, bff - Maddy, and Emma sledding on Ryan's homemade hill.
Day trip to Peddler's Village to see the Gingerbread Exhibit
Watching the Hokies play in the Orange Bowl
Gramma's spa treatments